The Number One Quality for Leadership 01: Let’s Find Out What it Is.

If I asked you what is the most important quality necessary to be a leader, I may get several answers. I would imagine you are not at a level where you would think it was some sort of ability, like a charismatic manner or a good preaching gift. So you would assume it was someContinue reading “The Number One Quality for Leadership 01: Let’s Find Out What it Is.”

Leadership and Tithing

Letting people know your vision as a leader is vital as a pastor as people give to vision. At Tree of Life, we want people to understand God and His nature and His principles, and how to live by faith in every single area of their life and finances is no exception. It would beContinue reading “Leadership and Tithing”

No Regrets

Of course, no matter what you or I have ever done there is goodness and mercy following us all the days of our lives.  But the truth is that the easiest way of living a life without regrets is not to actually do anything you regret.  Thom Rainer did a survey of pastors in AmericaContinue reading “No Regrets”

Spirit Filled

It’s not enough for one man to be Spirit filled and flowing in the gifts. It’s not enough for there to be a man of God to come to and bring people to when emergencies and problems arise. The fivefold ministry must return to its Biblical purpose and mandate and equip people to minister and serveContinue reading “Spirit Filled”