Dumb Things Leaders Do 05: Becoming Tight With Money

One of the things I see so many leaders to is try and hold onto all the money and hold it as tight as they can. When they have nothing they can cope, but when money comes in, they start to trust in the money over trusting in God. It is time for every singleContinue reading “Dumb Things Leaders Do 05: Becoming Tight With Money”

Dumb Things Leaders Do 04: Being Too Busy to Dream

Is being busy the new religion of the modern age I wonder. We are moving so fast now – faster than ever before. There is so much to do! But what should our priorities be as Christian leaders – not doing, but rather thinking, dreaming, praying, listening, resting, planning. We need to ensure that asContinue reading “Dumb Things Leaders Do 04: Being Too Busy to Dream”