Pastors Don’t Do This 19: Not Putting First Things First 04 Clean the Inside First!

Jesus tells us in Matthew 23.26 NLT: You blind Pharisee! First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too. You see part of being a Pharisee pastor (as outlined in a lot of previous posts in this series) is that all that matters to you isContinue reading “Pastors Don’t Do This 19: Not Putting First Things First 04 Clean the Inside First!”

Pastors Don’t Do This 18: Not Putting First Things First 03 Take the Beam Out First

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives a very specific instruction when it comes to judging others. This is advice for everything, but it is especially important for pastors and leaders as if they do not judge people properly that can destroy the culture of an entire church, and even split a church. HereContinue reading “Pastors Don’t Do This 18: Not Putting First Things First 03 Take the Beam Out First”