The Number One Quality for Leadership 01: Let’s Find Out What it Is.

If I asked you what is the most important quality necessary to be a leader, I may get several answers. I would imagine you are not at a level where you would think it was some sort of ability, like a charismatic manner or a good preaching gift. So you would assume it was someContinue reading “The Number One Quality for Leadership 01: Let’s Find Out What it Is.”

Pastors and Elders III: What Paul taught the Elders

I said in the first post in this series ( that we would find out what Paul taught the elders at Miletus.  And I give you my word that before this series is over we will look at Acts 20.  But due to emails and questions that have arisen from the first post, I amContinue reading “Pastors and Elders III: What Paul taught the Elders”

What Do You Want? (part 1)

I am a grace man. Truly I am. All I want is the world to know about His grace and the complete work. However, when dealing with pastors who want to leave all church growth to God I get wound up.  I seriously want to spit bricks.  The United Kingdom is in too much ofContinue reading “What Do You Want? (part 1)”