Manifest Leadership 04 Proving By Improving part 2 Lead By Example!

There was a survey done by a large banking company last year trying to discover what made a leader easier to follow, and by a large margin, the number one answer is when people lead by example. This is really good news for you. Because this is something you can choose as a leader. YouContinue reading “Manifest Leadership 04 Proving By Improving part 2 Lead By Example!”

Manifest Leadership 02 How To Prove Yourself

In the first part of this series, I said that the first thing you have to do as a leader is prove yourself. So, let’s consider this. Jesus made it obvious, but in a world where what Jesus says is often ignored, even in the church, let’s take the time to carefully consider what HeContinue reading “Manifest Leadership 02 How To Prove Yourself”

Essential Steps to Leading 03 Get Some People Skills!

Listen, if you are going into your vision but no one is coming with you, you are not a leader, you are person on a walk. You have to develop some people skills! It’s amazing how many pastors and leaders don’t have people skills. Some are only interested in speaking to those who can promote them and theirContinue reading “Essential Steps to Leading 03 Get Some People Skills!”

Pastors Don’t Do This 24: Being Super Mature

We should all be mature, there’s something ugly about an immature leader, but some leaders get so mature they start believing their own press, they take themselves far too seriously, and they forget how to have fun. They then lose humility. We have to enter the kingdom like children (Matthew 18.3) – and often pastors are theContinue reading “Pastors Don’t Do This 24: Being Super Mature”