Waking Up in A Post-Referendum UK

What a week it has been in British politics.  The nation has voted in a referendum to exit the European Union.  The Prime Minister has resigned.  The leader of the opposition has lost his Shadow Cabinet and faces a vote of no confidence.  Never has a week been so packed with political news and changes.Continue reading “Waking Up in A Post-Referendum UK”

5 Leadership Lessons from Christopher Alam

5. Always always always be yourself.  I love that Christopher Alam hasn’t changed at all – he has a huge ministry, preached last Sunday night to 40,000 people (yes you read that right) and yet is easily the most low-maintenance preacher I know.  He would sleep in any hotel, never has a rider, and isContinue reading “5 Leadership Lessons from Christopher Alam”

Our Culture 07: Keeping the Cotton Patches Off Your Silk Dream!

I had a prophetic word shortly before I started the Tree of Life family of churches, which basically said that one of the hardest jobs I will ever have in my future is to stop people trying to sew their cotton patches into your silk dream.  That word has certainly proved to be true! YouContinue reading “Our Culture 07: Keeping the Cotton Patches Off Your Silk Dream!”

You’ve Already Got It, mate!

Sorry for the borrowed title, but I love the way Andrew Wommack teaches on this topic.  In fact I think it is one of the most important teachings you can ever get. Other people express it differently.  Bob Proctor says You were born rich, Jim Richards says you are hardwired for success, Terri Savelle saysContinue reading “You’ve Already Got It, mate!”