Have an Awesome Christmas!

Whatever you are doing this Christmas, have an awesome time.  I am going to have a holiday from posting until the first week in January.  Remember, you don’t stop influencing people just because you are at a party with them.  Be sober minded and gracious whatever you are doing. Thanks for reading this blog, thanksContinue reading “Have an Awesome Christmas!”

Pastors and Elders X: The Requirements for an Elder (part VII)

We are still looking at the requirements for an elder as listed in 1 Tim. 3 and we now come to the final word in 1 Tim. 3.2. This word is translated “able to teach” in the KJV, but is one word in the Greek, the word didaktikos, which means skilful at teaching. Now at first glanceContinue reading “Pastors and Elders X: The Requirements for an Elder (part VII)”