The Number One Quality for Leadership 01: Let’s Find Out What it Is.

If I asked you what is the most important quality necessary to be a leader, I may get several answers. I would imagine you are not at a level where you would think it was some sort of ability, like a charismatic manner or a good preaching gift. So you would assume it was someContinue reading “The Number One Quality for Leadership 01: Let’s Find Out What it Is.”

Loyalty 8: Signs of Disloyalty 5 – the Backstab

This is the final posting on signs of disloyalty, but there will be a couple more posts on the concepts and the importance of loyalty coming up!  My name is Benjamin Conway, and I pastor the Tree of Life Church, and you are going to have a great time reading this blog! So far weContinue reading “Loyalty 8: Signs of Disloyalty 5 – the Backstab”

Loyalty 6… Signs of Disloyalty 3: Criticism

Hi there, my name is Benjamin Conway, and I am the pastor of Tree of Life Church in Dagenham.  We are currently looking at the topic of Loyalty – something you need to cultivate as a leader.  As soon as someone gets to the passive stage of disloyalty (stage 2, as discussed here), you needContinue reading “Loyalty 6… Signs of Disloyalty 3: Criticism”